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Low Vaccination in hills district of Manipur

Sponsored by Cultural Survival 

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak

Vaccination should be purely voluntary but the ramifications of non-vaccination has also to be understood as it involves public health and safety also. And, the concerned DCs must be taken to task. Let us begin by setting targets or outcomes within a timeframe.

Script: Pamei Tingenlung

Voices: Pamei Tingenlung

Theme: Low vaccionation in hill of Manipur

Music: "Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red.

Indigenous Languages: Rongmei

Country: India

Format: Public Service Announcements (PSA)

Radio Series: COVID-19

Citizen are requested to express their views related to issues of Manipur within 500 words or 3 minute to 5 minute audio record and mail us to contact@citizenradio.in or send us a hard copy to our Office Address: The Citizens' Radio, Uripok Ningthoukhongjam Leikai, Imphal West 795001

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